Features of the Month

This page will feature a series of special offers for each month, providing additional details on each offering as well as some special pricing if the initial contact is made through the web page. We've decided to feature the following areas: Hardware Solutions, Software - Workflow Solutions and Refurbished Equipment

Hardware Solutions

The backbone of any organization is based on the information that flows it. Ensuring that you can communicate that via printed, copied, scanned or faxed document is mission critical. Here's a solution designed specifically for high end demands - providing outstanding performance and great colour!



Software - Workflow Solutions

Once upon a time, "snail mail" was the way to communicate. Scan to e-mail revolutionized the way information is now distributed, virually replacing fax and enabling two parties separated by geography to review critical information and move business along faster. Here's an idea that could help you!



Refurbished Equipment

For some, basic technology is all that's needed. If you're looking for something reliable that can provide the basic services at a highly competitive price, we may have a number of options available to you. Like this one...

Latest news

Artificial Intelligence - Xerox Powers the MFP of Tomorrow, Today!

Jun 15 2018
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving the next wave of digital disruption as it moves rapidly into reality. According to a mega-sized stud...

Document Management Mistakes

May 25 2018
CONGRATULATIONS. You made it!  You studied hard and long for your law degree and got called to the bar! You are now a legal professiona...

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